
Jan 9, 2024 15:11

Iran’s Minister for Sport and Youth Chairs NPC Annual General Assembly

news| paralympic| Iran’s Minister for Sport and Youth Chairs NPC Annual General Assembly
National Paralympic Committee of Iran held its 23rd Session of Annual General Assembly in Tehran, today.


Iran NPC, Tehran: The Governing Body of I. R. Iran National Paralympic Committee met in their 23rd Annual General Assembly (GA) today on January 9, 2024, and discussed various topics with emphasis on the final preparations for Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.

The meeting, which was chaired by Iran Minister for Sport and Youth Affairs Kioumars Hashemi, heard updates on several topics including NPC plans for the new year, upcoming Games, reports from national cooperative federations, etc.

NPC General Assembly  20

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Opening the meeting, NPC CEO’s Dr. Kamal Javanmard presented the National Paralympic Committee's Annual Report which highlighted the growth and breadth of the Iran Paralympic Movement’s work in the last year, including preparation process for Hangzhou Asian Para Games and its results. He also explained the NPC plans for the upcoming events including Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, Tashkent 2025 Asian Youth Para Games and Aichi-Nagoya 2026 APG.

After a detailed review of the NPC plans, General Assembly also approved the financial reports delivered by the Board of Auditors.

The General Assembly also featured an election for the Governing Board and Hamed Mirza Hosseini elected for NPC's Treasurer position.

The meeting was attended by I.R. Iran Minister for Sport and Youth Affairs and his Deputies, NPC President and other officials, NOC Secretary General, representatives from National Cooperative Federations (NCFs), para sports experts, para-athletes’ representatives, coaches’ representatives and the other GA members.

 The 22nd General and Electoral Assembly of NPC Iran took place on December 13, 2022. The assembly elected Dr. Ghafoor Karegary as the new President of IRI National Paralympic Committee and also the NPC new Governing and Executive board members.

Source: Iran NPC
Code : 6,389
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Keywords: Sport Minister,General Assembly,Iran NPC