Aug 25, 2023 21:35

2023 Para Powerlifting Worlds| Aminzadeh Collects Second Gold For Iran | Sayadi Finishes Runner Up in Men's Over 107kg

paralympic| news| 2023 Para Powerlifting Worlds| Aminzadeh Collects Second Gold For Iran | Sayadi Finishes Runner Up in Men's Over 107kg
Iran's Para Powerlifters stood first and second places of Men’s Over 107kg on Friday (Aug. 25).


Iran NPC, Tehran: In day three of the 2023 Worlds, Iranian Para Powerlifters stood first and second places of Men’s Over 107kg.
Iran's Ahmad Aminzadeh, lifting 250 and 255 in his first and second attempts, held his world title in Dubai stage today, on August 25th. He raised 505kg above his chest and stood World fourth place in total.

Competing in the Men’s Over 107kg, the other country's representative Mahdi Sayadi also won a silver medal.
Sayadi succeeded in his first and second try, lifting 238kg and 246kg. He stood world's fifth place with a total lift of 484kg.


Gharibshahi had earlier achieved Iran's first gold medal today in men's up to 107kg while Razi stood 3rd place with his total lift in the same category.

According to the schedule, Iran's Amir Jafari and Ali Seifi will be on the stage in Men’s up to 65kg Saturday, 26 Aug. at 18:10–19:10.

The 2023 Para Powerlifting World Championships -which is taking place in Dubai from 22 to 30 August- is a compulsory tournament to qualify for the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.


Source: Iran NPC
Code : 6,000
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Keywords: Iran Para Powerlifting,Ahmad Aminzadeh,Mahdi Sayadi,World Championships