
Jan 18, 2024 21:15

Hourieh Baradaran re-elected as the IWBF’s Vice-President of Central & South Asia

news| paralympic| Hourieh Baradaran re-elected as the IWBF’s Vice-President of Central & South Asia
Hourieh Baradaran was elected as the IWBF’s Vice-President of Central & South Asia, for the second time.


Iran NPC, Tehran: Iranian Hourieh Baradaran retained her position on the Executive Committee of IWBF as the Vice-President of Central & South Asia on January 18, 2024 for a four-year terms.

During the 2024 Asia Oceania Congress, held in conjunction with the 2024 IWBF Asia Oceania Championships in Bangkok, the election of a new Executive Committee for the 2024- 2028 term took place.

The outcome of the 2024 Asia Oceania Congress establishes a new IWBF Asia Oceania Executive Committee, emphasizing continuity and leadership stability in the realm of wheelchair basketball development in the region.

Source: Iran NPC
Code : 6,439
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Keywords: IWBF