
Jan 1, 2024 11:34

NPC Executive Board Approves Athletes Commission’s Bylaws

news| paralympic| NPC Executive Board Approves Athletes Commission’s Bylaws
Iran NPC held the 215th Executive Board meeting in Tehran today.


Iran NPC, Tehran: The 215th National Paralympic Committee Executive Board (EB) was held in Tehran today on January 1, 2024.

The meeting opened by NPC President Dr. Ghafoor Karegary, included several topics highlighting Athletes Commission’s Bylaws, NPC’s sponsorship issues and the annual report for the upcoming NPC General Assembly.
National Paralympic Committee CEO Dr. Kamal Javanmard, the two NPC’s Vice Presidents Dr. Maryam Kazemipour and Seyed Mohammad Pouladgar, and the other EB members attended the meeting.

At his opening keynotes, President Karegary briefed the previous decisions was made by the board members. Following the updates, NPC Executive Board approved the Athletes Commission’s Bylaws.

The NPC’s annual report and updated logo were also approved by the Board.



Source: Iran NPC
Code : 6,364
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Keywords: NPC Executive Board,Athletes Commission