
Aug 16, 2023 12:32

Team Iran Announces Men's Judo Roster for 2023 IBSA Worlds

news| paralympic| Team Iran Announces Men's Judo Roster for 2023 IBSA Worlds
Iran Men's roster for the 2023 IBSA Judo World Championships was announced.


Iran NPC, Tehran: A total of four Judokas will represent Team Iran at the 2023 Birmingham IBSA World Championships. Here is the list of VI men selected for the event, starting on 23 Aug. at the Sport Hall of Birmingham University of Sport & Fitness:

Seyed Meisam Banitaba, Vahid Nouri, Vahid Jeddi, Mousa Gholami.

The squad will be led by Head coach Mohammadreza Haji Yousefzadeh and Assistant Coaches Farhad Mabi.

 Iran’s Judo squad has recently topped the podium at the 2023 Astana IBSA Judo Asian Championships (in April).

The schedule's overview:

With the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games one year away, all the best VI Judokas from around the world are to compete on Birmingham stage from 20-27 Aug.

According to IBSA, the VI Judokas’ classification is scheduled to take place on Aug. 20th and also Pre-Games training session, judogi pre-control, technical meetings (referees & coaches) and official weigh-in are set to be done during the first two days.

The draw will be held online Tuesday, on 22 Aug. (20:00pm)

Judokas will be on mat from August 23 to 25, 2023.


Source: Iran NPC
Code : 5,975
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Keywords: Team Iran,Iran Judo Roster,IBSA world championships