
Aug 15, 2023 14:12

NPC President Visits National Para Athletics Training Camp

NPC President Visits National Para Athletics Training Camp
Iran NPC President paid a visit to Para Athletics camp.


Iran NPC, Tehran: President Dr. Ghafoor Karegary accompanied by NPC’s Sports Deputy Dr. Saeid Solgi paid a visit to Iran Para Athletics training camp at Tehran’s Aftab Enghelab Sport Complex.

The visit was also involved IRISFD’s officials.

To monitor the preparation process of Team Iran and National Cooperating Federations' activities, Dr. Karegary has constantly visited different training camps of Iran para sports to be sent to Hangzhou Asian Para Games.

Organized by Iran Sports Federation for the Disabled (IRISFD) with NPC’S partnership, the camp has started from August 7th, led by coaches Mahdi Farsi and Sajad Hashemi. It will be lasted until Wednesday 23 August 2023.


Photo by: Reza Joshaghani

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Source: Iran NPC
Code : 5,973
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