
May 23, 2023 12:02

Asian key issues to be discussed by APC Executive Board in Tehran

news| paralympic
Iran to host the last APC Executive Board meeting ahead of Hangzhou Asian Para Games from May 27 to 28, 2023.


NPC IRAN, Tehran: Asian Paralympic Committee Executive Board is set to hold a two-day in-person meeting ahead of Hangzhou APG, in Tehran from May 27 to 28, 2023.

less than 150 days to go to the Hangzhou Asian Para Games, Iran National Paralympic Committee (NPC) will host the 30th APC Session of the Executive Board, which will be chaired by President Majid Rashed and attended by the representatives from the Asian NPCs of Japan, Philippines, China, South Korea, Uzbekistan, United Arabic Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, and Malaysia.

In addition to the EB meeting, NPC Iran will stage several other events, including a joint meeting with the NPC board with the APC board, a press conference, and a tour of the National Sports Museum. This will be the last EB meeting of the APC, before the Asian Para Games in Hangzhou in October 2023.

In December 2022, the 29th meeting of the APC Executive Board took place in Dubai, UAE. There are currently 16 members on the EB, of whom six are elected through the APC General Assembly.

NPC Iran previously hosted the 50th official meeting of the International Paralympic Committee’s Governing Board, chaired by the former IPC President Sir Philip Craven, from May 3 to 6, 2008.


Source: NPC Iran
Code : 5,656
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Keywords: APC Executive Board meeting,APC Executive Board,Iran hosting