
Oct 15, 2022 18:57

APC President arrives in Tehran

APC President arrives in Tehran


Asian Paralympic Committee's President has just arrived in Tehran, minutes ago.

Majid Rashed, APC President, accompanied by Tarek Souei, APC's CEO and staffs welcomed by Iran NPC Officials at Tehran's Imam Khomeini airport tonight (15 October).

APC dignitaries will participate in the 15th edition of IRI National Paralympic Day at the invitation of the Iran NPC.

The 15th National Paralympic Day festivities broadcast throughout Iran and would be celebrated in other provinces, with more than 60,000 people attending the event. National Paralympic Day was first held in 2003 and became part of the national calendar in 2016 following a Presidential order.

APC arrival3

Code : 5,117
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Keywords: Iran paralympic national paralympic day