Oct 8, 2022 12:25

IRI National Paralympic Week schedules announced

IRI National Paralympic Week schedules announced

The 15th Edition of IR Iran National Paralympic Week Schedule announced.

The celebrations and programs will take place across the country between 10-16 October 2022.

Each day of the week has been named to mark the different aspects of Paralympic Movement in Iran.

Many educational workshops and sport activities will be delivered in a week-long program across different provinces to raise public awareness and to make the society more inclusive.


The 15th Edition of IR Iran National Paralympic Week Schedule

To organize the meetings for administrative councils across all the provinces of Iran on the issue of development of the sports for people with physical and sight impairments

October 10th

Paralympic Movement and Acknowledgment of Paralympians

To hold honorary ceremonies for the Paralympians, Coaches and Medalists across all the provinces of Iran.

Commemoration of IR Iran Paralympic achievements through media coverage to raise social awareness.

To hold sports competitions and games in the schools for the children with special needs.

October 11th

Paralympic Movement and Special Education Organization Schools

Acknowledging Paralympic medalists and students with disabilities.

To hold cultural and sportive festivals and educational workshops in schools for children with special needs to raise awareness of the Paralympic Movement values.

To hold honorary ceremonies for the junior athletes with disabilities at the Special Education Organization schools to motivate them.

To organize many radio and TV programs and to hold press conference on the Paralympic Movement issues and the related activities across all the provinces of Iran.

October 12th

Paralympic Movement and Media

Acknowledgement of the national media and journalists for their attempts to raise society awareness on the issue of the Paralympic Movement and Paralympians.

To hold educational workshops across the county for the children with disabilities and their families.

October 13th

Paralympic Movement and the Families

To visit the athletes Veterans and athlete Martyrs' families across all the provinces of Iran.

October 14th

Paralympic Movement and Acknowledgement of the Veteran athletes and athlete Martyrs' families

To hold cultural and sportive festivals for the people with disabilities in the care centers of Welfare Organization.

October 15th

Paralympic Movement and Welfare Organization (White Cane Safety Day)

to visit the rehabilitation centers for meeting people with physical and sight impairments

To hold National Paralympic Day ceremonies, and organizing sportive and cultural festivals across the country.

October 16th

IRI National Paralympic Day


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