Dec 14, 2021 14:26

Iran’s Rezaei, Moameri and Firouzi appointed to Asia-Oceania ParaVolley

Iran’s Rezaei, Moameri and Firouzi appointed to Asia-Oceania ParaVolley
TEHRAN - General Assembly members voted Hadi Rezaei, Alireza Moameri and Ebrahim Firouzi respectively as the Asia-Oceania ParaVolley Vice President, Coaches Commissioner and Referees Commissioner.
Asia-Oceania ParaVolley general assembly took place virtually on December 14th with Hadi Rezaei, AO ParaVolley Secretary General, presenting the annual report on the Asian competitions in 2021. In this session, the members voted Hadi Rezaei, Iran’s former sitting volleyball head coach, as the Vice President of the Asia-Oceania ParaVolley. Besdies, Alireza Moameri and Ebrahim Firouzi, who were standing unopposed, were also voted as the Coaches Commissioner and Referees Commissioner.
Code : 4,705
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